
Qu'est-ce que c'est? C'est une série de script personnel en langage MEL developpé pour optimiser le Pipeline de Rig.
What's that?It's series of personnal tools developp for optimize my Rig Pipeline

Create Grp Init Scene: Create some group to scene start ( Grp_All, Grp_Skel, Grp_Geo, Grp_Ctrl, DO_NOT_TOUCH)
Renammer: allow to rename object selected in scene with serie of list choice.
Attribut Creator: Use to create some predefine attribut on control (finger, visibility, template)

Create control: allow to create control type circle, cube, sphere ...
Placer: select joint and control, the selected controle is translate, rotate on joint and offset group are create. The group are automatically rename in office of join name
Modification color: select object in scène for change color with preset color (Red, Green, Yellow) or customized.

Auto create Spine:
Create IKSpline
Create hierarchi Node systeme and expression for stretch
Create cube controle named and mid controle

Auto create IK Arm:
Create IKHandle
Create hierarchi Node systeme for stretch
Create cube control named

Auto create IK Leg:
Create IKHandle
Create Reversefoot
Create hierarchi Node systeme for stretch
Create cube control named
Cube controle include attribut ball, heel, toe, stretch

Damien VIE – FRANCE –